Ep: 35 Dairy Sheep on the Homestead

On this episode I chat with homesteader and author Rachel Hester of Whoopsy Daisy Farm. Rachel shares her journey into getting started homesteading and what drove her to get dairy sheep. She also shares about her love of wool and the inspiration behind her new book " The Guide to Homestead Dairy Sheep", along with what it was like to birth a baby and write her book in the same year! If you never considered milking sheep before, after hearing Rachel's enthusiasm during this episode, you might be like me and want dairy sheep now!

-Show Notes-

Whoopsy Daisy Farm Website: ⁠https://www.whoopsydaisyfarm.com/⁠

Instagram: @whoopsydaisyfarm

YouTube: Whoopsy Daisy Farm

Rachel's Book: ⁠https://www.whoopsydaisyfarm.com/shop/p/the-guide-to-homestead-dairy-sheep


Ep: 36 The Prairie Shepherdess


Ep:34 Sheep’s Milk Ice Cream! Interview with Delaney of Ewe and Me Homestead